Here at Bayside, we believe in groups. We believe in community. We believe in transformation through relationships. We believe every person on every campus should be connected to a group of people who encourage and support each other in their spiritual journey and in the day-to-day challenges of life.

Invite – Invite – Invite
We have found that the best way to be in a group, is by invitation! In our experience, the most successful groups are those formed with people you already know. Who is in your life right now that might be interested in joining with you once a week? Brainstorm a list of friends you have from work, your neighborhood, your kids’ school or sports program, family, the gym, etc… If you already have one or two people who would like to join you, have them also brainstorm the same list of people in their life. You’d be amazed at who God sends your way!

Curriculum and Material
After you register your group, every week you will receive an email with host tips, updates, and materials. Included in the email will be a 5-minute video to share with your group along with a few discussion questions. The material will follow along with the weekend message. You’re welcome to use these resources in a manner that fits your group best.

But I’m not a good leader or teacher…
Remember, you are the host. You don’t have to be the expert! Allow the video and discussion questions to do the teaching – you just provide a place and review it and facilitate conversation!

Are you currently hosting a group?

  • To Access Sermon Series studies please email:
    The Sermon Series study follows the weekend message. This study provides a weekly 5-minute video along with 5-10 discussion questions that dive deeper into the weekend message. This is the most common study our groups follow.
  • Access Right Now Media studies HERE.
    Right Now Media is an online library that gives you instant access to thousands of Bible study videos, complimentary from Bayside!

Are you currently a Bayside “leader”?
*a group leader is someone who has been approved to a higher level of leadership. This person is a Bayside member and has been finger printed.

  • Groups Leader Login HERE
  • Login Instructions HERE (link coming shortly)
  • To Access Sermon Series studies please email:
    The Sermon Series study follows the weekend message. This study provides a weekly 5-minute video along with 5-10 discussion questions that dive deeper into the weekend message. This is the most common study our groups follow.
  • Access Right Now Media studies HERE.
    Right Now Media is an online library that gives you instant access to thousands of Bible study videos, complimentary from Bayside!

Stay connected with Bayside Groups